Research Articles

  • Koepke, M. (Submitted) “Bulle as border spectacle: Shelter, triage and exception in a Parisian migration reception centre 2016-2018”.

  • Koepke, M. (Submitted) “Tactics for the “unthinkable”: Shipwreck ethics of radical care at the crossroads of the Parisian ‘migration crisis’”.

  • Koepke, M. (2015) “Towards a Pedagogy of Moments”. Inflexions: A Journal of Research-Creation Issue 8: Radical Pedagogies

Book Chapters

  • Koepke, M. (2023, accepted) “Welcome” to the Bubble: Governing the Parisian “migration crisis” from the street to the Centre de premier accueil. In Refugee Reception and Camps: Local and Global Perspectives. Oesch, L. and Lemaire, L., eds. Bristol UP.

  • Koepke, M. (2023) Towards “Minor” Methodologies, or Crisis as Method. In At the Frontiers of Everyday Life: New Research in Cramped Spaces. Gülen, H.; Sungur, C.; Yesilyurt, A., eds. Springer.

  • Debaulieu, C., Koepke, M., Dixon, L.; Andrews, M.; Taylor, E., and SoCS Collective (2023) Weaving Drug Users’ Spaces of Care and Sociality in Vancouver and Paris. In Narcotic Cities: Counter Cartographies of Drugs and Space. Germes, M.; Höhne, S. and Klaus, L., eds. Berlin: Jovis.

  • Koepke, M. (2022) Une Bénévole face à la Bulle: Humanitarisme municipal In L’Exil à Paris. Gardesse, C.; Le Courant, S., and Masson-Diez, E., eds. Paris : L’Oeuil d’Or.

  • Guilbaud Z.; Koepke, M.; Manac’h L. (2022) Un camp humanitaire à la Porte de la Chapelle : une mise à l’abri des regards. In L’Exil à Paris. Gardesse, C., Le Courant, S. and Masson-Diez, E., eds. Paris : L’Oeuil d’Or.

  •  Koepke, M. (2021) “Heroines, Revisited”. In Clarkes, L. Heroines Revisited Vancouver: Anvil Press.

  • Froment-Meurice, M., Koepke, M. et Nôus, C. (2020) « Entre le capital et le « droit à la ville » Comment le capitalisme urbain produit et gère des indésirables? » Le Capital dans la Cité. M. Adam et E. Comby, eds. Paris : Editions Amsterdam.

  • Koepke, M. (2011) “Reel Change: Film in Quebec”. Minority Report: An Alternative History of English-Language Arts in Quebec. Ackerman, M., ed. Guernica Essay Series, Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

 Book Reviews

  •  Koepke, Melora. (2018). Global Urban Politics by Julie-Anne Boudreau. Cambridge: Polity Press. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 42(2), 358-359.

  •  Koepke, M. (2017). Rethinking Life at the Margins: The Assemblage of Contexts, Subjects, and Politics edited by Michele Lancione. New York: Routledge. Canadian Geographer, 61(3), E41-E42.