Since 2022 | Postdoctoral Researcher: Lab’urba, Université Paris-Est Val-de-Marne
1999-present | Nonfiction writer, media creator, journalist: Various publications + media outlets
2018-present | Instructor in Geography, Media Studies, Social Sciences, Nonfiction Writing: Various institutions
2008-2014 | Instructor, Communications, Nonfiction Writing and Journalism, Centre for Continuing Education, Concordia University
2013-2014 | Writer-in-Residence, Immediations: Art, Theory, Event (SSHRC Partnership Grant), SenseLab, Hexagram-Concordia Centre for Research-Creation in Media Art and Technology, Concordia University, Montreal
2004-2011 | Editor, Hour Magazine, Montréal, Canada
Ph.D.: Geography (2022) Department of Geography | Simon Fraser University
Dissertation Title: Making Rooms: Urban Crisis, Public Politics and Radical Care and in Paris, 2016-2018
M.A.: Media Studies (2007) Department of Communication Studies | Concordia University
Thesis title: Corpus Delicti: Invisibility and Bodily Traces in Media Coverage of Vancouver’s Missing Women, 1978-2008
B.A. (Hons) (1997) Department of Communication Studies (Film production)/Department of English Literature | Concordia University
2015-2019 Doctoral Fellowship – Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
2018—Graduate Fellowship, Geography Department, SFU
2015—Graduate Fellowship, Geography Department, SFU
2015—Professional / Program Development Grant - Concordia University CCE
2014—Professional /Program Development Grant - Concordia University CCE
2008—Canada Council for the Arts, Grant for Professional Writers – Non-Fiction
2008—Gold Medal (Journalism in Society), National Magazine Awards
2008—Banff Centre Residency Fellowship: Cultural Journalism Program
Research Articles
Koepke, M. (Submitted) Bulle as border spectacle: Shelter, triage and exception in a Parisian migration reception centre 2016-2018.
Koepke, M. (Submitted) Tactics for the “unthinkable”: Shipwreck ethics of radical care at the crossroads of the Parisian “migration crisis”.
Koepke, M. (2015) Towards a Pedagogy of Moments. Inflexions: A Journal of Research-Creation Issue 8: Radical Pedagogies
Book Chapters
Koepke, M. (2023, accepted) “Welcome” to the Bubble: Governing the Parisian “migration crisis” from the street to the Centre de premier accueil. In Refugee Reception and Camps: Local and Global Perspectives. Oesch, L. and Lemaire, L., eds. Bristol UP.
Koepke, M. (2023, accepted) Towards “Minor” Methodologies, or Crisis as Method. In At the Frontiers of Everyday Life: New Research Practices and Imaginaries in Radical Geography. Gülen, H.; Sungur, C.; Yesilyurt, A., eds. London: Routledge.
Koepke, M., Debaulieu, C., Dixon, L.; Andrews, M.; Taylor, E., and SoCS Collective (2023, accepted) Weaving Drug Users’ Spaces of Care and Sociality in Vancouver and Paris. In Narcotic Cities: Counter Cartographies of Drugs and Space. Germes, M.; Höhne, S. and Klaus, L., eds. Berlin: Jovis.
Koepke, M. (2022) Une Bénévole face à la Bulle: Humanitarisme municipal In L’Exil à Paris. Gardesse, C.; Le Courant, S., and Masson-Diez, E., eds. Paris : L’Oeuil d’Or.
Guilbaud Z.; Koepke, M.; Manac’h L. (2022) Un camp humanitaire à la Porte de la Chapelle : une mise à l’abri des regards. In L’Exil à Paris. Gardesse, C., Le Courant, S. and Masson-Diez, E., eds. Paris : L’Oeuil d’Or.
Koepke, M. (2021) “Heroines, Revisited”. In Clarkes, Lincoln Heroines Revisited Vancouver: Anvil Press.
Koepke, M., Anonyme & Camille Noûs (2020) « Entre le capital et le « droit à la ville » Comment le capitalisme urbain produit et gère des indésirables? » Le Capital dans la Cité. M. Adam et E. Comby, eds. Paris : Editions Amsterdam.
Koepke, M. (2011) “Reel Change: Film in Quebec”. Minority Report: An Alternative History of English-Language Arts in Quebec. Ackerman, Marianne, ed. Guernica Essay Series, Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Book Reviews
Koepke, Melora. (2018). Global Urban Politics by Julie-Anne Boudreau. Cambridge: Polity Press. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 42(2), 358-359.
Koepke, M. (2017). Rethinking Life at the Margins: The Assemblage of Contexts, Subjects, and Politics edited by Michele Lancione. New York: Routledge. Canadian Geographer, 61(3), E41-E42.
Public media
Note: The publications listed on my website [] are a representative selection from over 1000 features, arts reviews, editorials and profiles I have published since 1999 in more than three dozen Canadian and international general-interest newspapers and magazines, including: The Globe and Mail, The Walrus, Vice, The Vancouver Sun, The Montreal Gazette, The Georgia Straight, Maisonneuve, The Toronto Star, National Geographic Traveler, Saturday Night Magazine, among many others. I have also worked as a broadcaster on radio documentaries in English and French on the CBC and Radio-Canada International, and have contributed film projects at the National Film Board of Canada.
“Dwelling and Démantèlement: Encampments as liminal spaces of the carceral city”RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, Newcastle University, U.K. (September 1, 2022)
“Time for Spatial Justice?” (co-organizer, presenter): UGI-IGU, Centennial Congress, Paris, France (July 18-22, 2022)
Spaces of Care and Sociality for unhoused drug users in Vancouver and Paris [with SoCS Collective] SFU CERi [Community-Engaged Research Initiative] Horizons Conference, Vancouver, B.C. (May 26, 2022)
Special section: Interroger la multiplicité des formes de représentation des savoirs géographiques : Cinémas et podcasts documentaires » (co-organizer, presenter) Festival International de Géographie de Saint-Dié-des Vosges (October 1-3, 2021)
“Bulle as border spectacle: ‘Inclusive exclusion’ in an urban dispositif of migration reception, Paris 2016-2018” REFUGOV conference: ‘Camps’ across the world: global and local perspectives, University of Luxembourg (April 27 2021)
“Crisis and the Camps: Emplacement, errancy and endurance at the frontiers of the “migrant metropolis”, Migrant Belongings conference, Utrecht University, The Netherlands (April 22 2021)
“Démantèlement as domicide: Emergency dwelling, destruction of home and management of “undesirables” in Paris, 2015-2020”, American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA (April 11 2021)
Invited talks/interventions
“Urgency” | Workshop: Public Moods, Durham University, Durham, U.K. (January 8, 2019)
« Tactiques pour l’impensable : Justice, care et politique dans des lieux d’accueil dans le nord de Paris ». Séminaire JEDI « La justice spatiale en débat » , Université Paris-Est, June 15, 2018
«For a radical right to the city: Lefebvre, autogestion, and urban democracy»: Conférence-débat avec Mark Purcell, École d’Urbanisme de Paris, April 3 2018
“Utopic insertions: Parisian transit camps as spaces of encounter and care/control”, Governing (In)Securities Workshop, University of York, York, U.K. (July 4, 2017)
“Comfort Food Cities; Emotions, pratiques, politiques”, Seminaire, Food 2.0 Lab/CNRS-ISCC, Paris IV – La Sorbonne, Paris, France (January 24, 2017)
Public art and social practice installations/performances
“Arts of Radical Housing Activism”: Panel @ Social Emergency Response Centre | Design Studio for Social Intervention ( | November 18, 2020
Public Kitchen (Collaboration with Kenneth Baily/DS4SI) | Design Studio for Social Intervention | Montreal, Quebec - Boston, U.S.A - Sydney, Australia December, 2015
KETL: Forays in Affective Futures (collaboration with Michael Hornblow) | Affect Theory: Worldings Tensions Futures, Millersville University, Lancaster, Pennsylvania (Oct. 14-17 2015)
Weather Patterns: The Smell of Red (collaboration with Erin Manning and Nathaniel Stern) | ISEA: 21st Annual International Symposium of Electronic Art Vancouver, Canada (August 13-17 2015)
Public Kitchens, Private Lives: Urban Spaces of Food Sharing and the Geographies of Encounter (Presentation at the First Annual meeting of the Relational Poverty Network, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington)
The Long Meal (collaboration with Elliott Rajnovic) Conference, McGill (Philosophy/Music Research/English and World Cinemas) Dec., 2014)