a committed instructor with a proven record
Radical pedagogies
I design and deliver an extensive range of courses in Human Geography, Urban Studies, Communications, Journalism and Nonfiction writing and media production at Simon Fraser University, Quest University, Capilano University and Concordia University. My courses support students to develop the knowledge, skills, confidence, and capacities to engage fundamental questions in ways that connect transversally across academic disciplines, and that will help them to shape their career aspirations and prepare them for future pursuits. Just as my scholarly research and journalism focus on relational encounter through feminist, decolonial and anti-racist approaches to public politics, urban space and difference, my teaching practice also presents such opportunities. I work to foster their curiosity, capabilities and capacities for creative and critical engagement with their own learning, with the course materials, and with the world. Students in my courses have the opportunity to engage conceptually and empirically with the world and course materials through creative assignments that engage them as scholars, writers and media producers: Alongside scholarly writing, students in my courses also produce Op-Eds, film reviews, walking tours, collaborative story maps, short documentary videos, podcasts, blog posts, activist campaigns and public art actions.
Simon Fraser University
GEOG 261 Encountering the City (Fall 2021)
GEOG 387 Geography and Gender (Summer 2021)
GEOG 364 Cities and Crisis (Summer 2020, Summer 2021)
GEOG 382 World on the Move (Spring 2020)
GEOG 442 A World of Cities (Fall 2018)
Visiting Faculty SFU Semester in Dialogue (Spring 2016)
Quest University
SOC 2400 Media and Crisis: Self, Culture, Society (Spring 2020)
SOC 2300 Cities, Migration and Mobilities (Fall 2019)
Capilano University
GEOG 201 – Urban Studies 01 (Summer 2019)
GEOG 201 – Urban Studies 02 (Summer 2019)
Concordia University CCE
CEJN 222 – Creative Non-Fiction II
CEJN 208 – Investigative Journalism
CEJN 166 – Literary Non-Fiction
CEJN 144 – Writing for the Web
CEJN 126 – Travel Writing
CEJN 122 – Creative Non-Fiction I
CEJN 114 – Magazine Writing
CEJN 108 - News and Feature Writing